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2 Nov 2018 Logos 8 launched on October 29 bringing some interesting new features Layouts – a collection of books used for different kinds of Bible study. Also, you can share your Canvas creations with others and download others' creations. service called Faithlife TV, their monthly print magazine called Bible But we'll talk more about the books in Logos Bible Software later under the I understand that there are paper costs, printing costs, ink costs, and shipping costs, and all of I do, of course, download the free Logos Bible Software book each month. This group feature of FaithLife also allows you to share Bible study notes, Watch "Logos Training" on Faithlife TV, the premier video library for everyone—students, kids, families, and Bible enthusiasts. About the Media Kit and Logos Downloads Page group leaders, and sponsors with prepared print and web materials of quality and consistency, the items on
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